
The distributor of the full suite of Blue Ridge Network solutions in Canada

"AppGuard should be your main line of defense in an increasingly dangerous cyber and human threat environment" - Mark Kelton Former Dep. Dir. Counterintelligence CIA

"AppGuard should be on every windows system in the world" - Bob Bigman Former CiSO, CIA

AppGuard wins Homeland Security award for best Anti-Malware Solutions and Server Security Solutions



Using a Zero Trust stealth overlay, LinkGuard seamlessly conceals your network, reduces your attack surface, and prevents hackers from gaining access to your critical assets while extending trusted communications and connectivity with a granular level of control.

Seamlessly Connect and Protect What Matters Most

LinkGuard prevents external network breaches with a solution that is simple to implement, easy to deploy, and doesn’t force your organization to constantly react to cyber threats. Even the most complex systems can be up and running in minutes — with no augmentation of your existing system structure.

LinkGuard outperforms complex and insecure solutions like firewalls and TLS or IPsec VPNs and has been heavily tested, protecting U.S. national security assets for over 20 years with no confirmed security breaches.

Hardware Root of Trust

Eliminates commonly exploited vulnerabilities inherent in software-based roots of trust

Stealth Design

Prevents reconnaissance from potential adversaries and drastically reduces the attack surface

Key Management

Built-in PKI authentication eliminates the risk of third party authentication mechanism, while protecting against unauthorized access

Seamless Integration

Layer 2 overlay approach integrates seamlessly with existing network infrastructure without degradation and supports any ethernet based protocol


Cryptographic algorithms ensure that all communication are encrypted from the very first packet, mitigating threats commonly posed by other encryption solutions